Saturday, April 9, 2016

Mariflor Parpan, Anthropologist

Mariflor Parpan
17 October 1936 - 8 April 2016

From Vicky Tauli-Corpuz:

I received news that Mariflor Parpan Malicsi, passed away yesterday at around 5:55 p.m., April 8. She died from cancer of the colon. For those who still remember, Mariflor, was one of the anthropologists who exposed the Chico Hydroelectric Dam Project in the 1970s. She became a staunch oppositionist to the Chico Dam project and she worked closely with the Kalinga elders. She became an adopted daughter of the Kalinga for her support to their struggle. Those who have contact with the Kalinga people whom she worked with in the anti-dam struggle, please inform them of her passing away. According to Ching Verzosa-Gerlock who sent the news, a memorial mass will be held for her will be held on Sunday, April 10, at Our Lady of Assumption Parish in Project 8. For more information on the exact time, you can get in touch with Edna (Chiqui) Co in her email

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