Volume 26 / 2017
AGHAMTAO, the official and peer-reviewed journal of the Ugnayang Pang-AghamTao, Inc., is now accepting article submissions for Vol.26.
Submissions are encouraged to engage with the theme: “Circulating Anthropological Knowledge in the Public Sphere: Building Communities of Practice”.
Please email submissions to aghamtaojournal@gmail.com as soon as possible in order to be considered for the issue which is scheduled for launch in October 2017. Given the review process, the closing date for submissions for this particular issue is March 2017. Submissions received beyond this date would be considered for succeeding issues.
Article submissions should be emailed in MS Word .doc format. It should be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 250 words. All figures (numbered and with captions) should be in a separate file. The minimum length for an article submission is 3,000 words. For referencing style, please consult recent issues of AghamTao.
Very truly yours,
Fernando Zialcita and Jose Jowel Canuday, Issue Editors
Eulalio Guieb III, Editor-in-Chief
and the Editorial Board of AGHAMTAO Vol.26
Is "Aghamtao: Journal of the Ugnayang Pang-Aghamtao, Inc. (UGAT)" an ISI or Scopus indexed journal? In the SUCs, publishing in an ISI-indexed journal is very important in the review of performance for promotion.
Can the Editorial Board of the Aghamtao respond to the above question? Being ISI or Scopus indexed journal is important for anthropologists working in SUCs.
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