UGNAYANG PANG-AGHAMTAO, INC. (UGAT)Anthropological Association of the Philippines
26th Annual Conference
"The Ends of Educating"21-23 October 2004
Capitol University, Cagayan de Oro City
Sponsors: Philippine Social Science Council and Capitol University
CALL FOR PAPERSAnthropologists and related practitioners are invited to submit abstracts for the 26th UGAT Annual Conference (2004). With the theme, “The Ends of Educating,” the conference seeks to critically reflect on the objectives, perspectives, and methodologies of educating as a purposive endeavor. The conference will address the multiple appropriations of the concept of educating by particular sectors and institutions, including their purpose(s) and outcomes in the Philippines.
Papers, therefore, should interrogate broad agendas associated with “educating” such as (but not limited to):
- liberation
- peace and development
- gender and sexual rights
- mature citizenship
- survival tactics
- nation-building
- theodicy
- global competitiveness
- cultural heritage preservation
In addition, papers should critically examine teaching and learning processes and technologies, covering such topics as (but not limited to):
- alternative learning systems
- standard-setting
- classroom dynamics
- educational administration
- textbook writing
- anthropology in liberal education
- mass mediated education
- techniques in teaching anthropology
Abstracts due: 30 June 2004
Abstracts should be 1-page long (single-spaced) and should include the author’s name, institutional affiliation and contact details (mailing address, telephone no., mobile phone number, e-mail address). They should be sent to the UGAT Office, Rm. 208, Philippine Social Science Center, Commonwealth Ave., Quezon City or to For further inquiries, please contact Emma Balmaceda, Jaja Paulate or Monica Santos at 02-9279496 or 926-3993 or at Authors of accepted abstracts will be informed through mail, phone or e-mail by 16 July 2004.
Student paper competition: The UGAT continues to recognize the potential contributions of graduate and undergraduate students in the growth of anthropological knowledge. Thus, it encourages them to participate in professional meetings. Entrants will be scheduled in appropriate conference sessions. Prizes will be awarded at graduate and undergraduate levels. Winning papers will be published in the
Agham-Tao, the official publication of the Anthropological Association of the Philippines.