Tuesday, January 1, 2002

UGAT 24th Annual Conference - Rootwork and Network: Weaving Mindanao Anthropology

Anthropological Association of the Philippines

24th Annual Conference
8-10 April 2002, Samal Island, Davao City
Co-Sponsored by The Mindanao Consortium for Professional Practice in Anthropology and the Mindanawon Initiatives for Cultural Dialogue, Ateneo de Davao University


What are the cultural dimensions of the so-called Mindanao conflict? What indigenous energies can be tapped for peace? How do we deal with politicized histories and sensationalized media images? How do we celebratecultural diversity and musical creativity as we face a globalized economy and an all-pervading information technology? What have the related disciplines of archaeology, ethnomusicology, political anthropology and anthropology of religion, got to say about development plans, missionarywork, Islamic movements, and ecological advocacy? And how does an engaged cultural analysis of tri-people Mindanao challenge our professional practice of anthropology?

These and other questions promise to enrich our conversation on the southern Philippines during the 24th National UGAT Conference. This gathering ofexperience and expectation is designed to consolidate anthropological insights culled during the past decades of anthropological fieldwork in Mindanao, as well as to generate new approaches that would match the challenges of Mindanao issues and initiatives.

During the conference, veteran anthropologists Stuart Schlegel, Marcelino Maceda, Wilhelm Solheim and Harry Arlo Nimmo will be given special recognition. So graduate students of anthropology will have a chance to meet those who have paved the way toward the anthropology of Mindanao. The conference will definitely be an occasion for tracing the roots of Mindanao cultures as well as for building networks for a professional career incultural research.

A number of authors have been commissioned to speak on the past, present and prospects of anthropology in this island. Several panels, however, are still being organized. Researchers and advocates alike are invited to join any one of the following thematic groups:

1.) Mindanao archaeology, history, and ecology
Contact Linda Burton, PhD.
Director RIMCU, Xavier University, Cagayan de Oro City
Email: lburton@xavier.cc.xu.edu.ph)

2.) Indigenous art, music and performance
Contact Jose Buenconsejo, PhD.
Chair, Dept. of Music Research, UP College of Music,
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City
Email: buenconsejo@skyinet.net)

3.) Anthropology of Peace, Conflict and Development
Contact Sr. Pat Babiera, OND.
Notre Dame University, Cotabato City
Email: srpatgbabiera@eudoramail.com)

4.) Islam, Gender, and Globalization
Contact Rufa Guiam, PhD.
Director, Research Center Mindanao State University
General Santos City, South Cotabato
Email: rufamor@gsc.weblinq.com)

One other panel may be formed depending on the early submission of interesting papers that do not fall within these categories. Posters and video presentation are also welcome.

Deadline for the submission of abstracts: January 15, 2002. Please submit abstracts to your respective panel convenors.

Selected papers from the conference shall be published in an edited volume on Mindanao anthropology. To increase your chances of being included in this anthology (not just "proceedings"), please submit your full-length paper on or before March 22, 2002.

For other information, please contact
Albert E. Alejo, SJ, PhD,
Mindanawon Initiatives for Cultural Dialogue
Ateneo de Davao University, 8000 Davao City.
Tel. 082-2212411, loc. 8724, 8716. Fax 082-2212411, loc. 8267.
Email: paringbert@yahoo.com